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更新: 2024-06-25 19:29:34   人气:1458
在一个宁静的小镇上,有一个可爱的小男孩名叫Tommy。他是个活泼开朗、热爱探索和学习的孩子,尤其对英语有着浓厚的兴趣。在进入小学二年级后,他的班主任Mrs. Smith为了激发同学们的学习热情与表达能力,组织了一场别开生面的“英语小故事”演讲比赛。


"Once upon a sunny day," Tommy began his story in English, "I found a little bird lying on the grass of our backyard with its wings broken and unable to fly high up into the sky like other birds do."

He continued, “'Poor thing,' I said as my heart filled with compassion. 'Don't worry; you're safe now.' With gentle hands, akin to how we learned about kindness at school, I picked it up carefully."

In this tale woven by young Tommy, he detailed every step - from tending to the injured wing using bandages, feeding watermelon seeds – one of their favorite foods according to an animal book they read last week during reading time–to making sure that Birdie (as named affectionately) felt loved while recuperating.

Everyday after class, Tommy would excitedly share updates about Birdie's progress in perfecting her fledgling attempts to flutter around inside a makeshift recovery cage made out of popsicle sticks—a craft project inspired entirely due to circumstances!

Finally came the grand finale when after days of tender care under Tommy’s watchful eye, Birdie spread her once-wounded but healed feathers wide open and soared upwards towards the vast blue expanse above! His classmates listened intently, eyes widening in amazement and hearts swelling with pride for their friend who had not only saved a life but also crafted such a beautiful narrative through English.

Through this heartfelt experience, Tommy showed everyone that learning languages isn’t just about grammar rules or memorizing vocabulary words—it is indeed about connecting lives, expressing emotions, sharing stories, fostering empathy, and celebrating victories big or small. And so, armed with nothing more than beginner-level English skills yet brimming with creativity and genuine emotion, second-grader Tommy delivered a speech which resonated deeply within each listener’s soul, inspiring them all to see the magic hidden behind language barriers.